Are you feeling bored?

When was the last time you used the bathroom without your phone?

Give me an honest answer 😁

I bet you don’t even remember, or maybe you’re reading this email in the bathroom right now, haha! 😅

It’s because whenever we get bored, we feel the need to keep our minds occupied with something.

But what if I told you that boredom is actually one of the most powerful ways to unlock the creative side of your brain?

Yes, you heard that right.

We tend to avoid boredom, but there are people who have accomplished great things in life precisely because they allowed themselves to get bored.

One day, a man sat by a tree, feeling incredibly bored. As he idly observed his surroundings, an apple suddenly fell from the tree.

So, what happened next?

That man discovered the concept of gravity and was none other than Isaac Newton.

What if he had been scrolling through Instagram? Would he have still discovered the concept of gravity?

Similarly, one day, a woman was on a train to London. There was no one to talk to, and she had a four-hour journey ahead of her.

She got so bored that she started looking out the window with a blank mind.

After a while, she suddenly came up with an idea for her book.

A boy with round glasses performing magic with his wand.

Can you guess what she wrote?

Harry potter poster

She wrote the Harry Potter series, and she is none other than J.K. Rowling.

They all managed to tap into their creative side simply because they experienced boredom.

Scientists have shown that when we feel bored and allow our thoughts to flow freely, we can think and approach tasks in a more creative way.

If you’re looking for a solution or an answer, try sitting in a distraction-free room with just a pen and a notebook.

Trust me, you’ll find the answer or solution you’ve been seeking because boredom will allow you to tap into the creative side of your brain.

But the main problem we encounter is that we often avoid feeling bored.

Even when we feel bored, we keep ourselves busy by scrolling through social media, watching movies, or playing games.

This is the primary reason why many people struggle to think or work creatively.

We’re not allowing our brains to be creative because we’re always filling them with information—even when we’re in the bathroom.

When was the last time you spent time alone with your thoughts, without any outside information?

Imagine your brain is like a computer with too many tabs open. If you keep watching videos, playing games, and reading stuff all at once, the computer gets so slow it can’t do anything new.

Being bored is an art; it allows us to think in ways we never thought possible.

If you want to find an answer or a solution to something, set aside time to embrace boredom.

Yes, schedule some time to be bored. Grab a pen and a notebook, and just let your mind wander.

Trust me, you’ll come up with amazing ideas and questions.

Give it a try and let me know what you come up with.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article, so please share them in the comments below.

See you soon!

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